One of the most frustrating problems you may face as a FireStick user is when your device randomly reboots itself. Then you are left staring at your FireStick screen which is stuck on reboot loop and you may not know what to do next. In this article, you will find out why FireStick keeps restarting and how to fix it.
All the methods discussed are applicable to all FireStick devices.
Sometimes FireStick keeps restarting randomly or continuously. This problem is relatively common. But the good news is that not all hope is lost — it can be fixed. To fix the problem, first we need to know what is causing it. So, why does your FireStick keeps restarting?
The most probable cause of FireStick keeps restarting problem is inconsistency or insufficiency of power supply. Other common reasons are faulty accessories, a dodgy app, an overheated device, and outdated FireStick version.
Now, let’s get to the bottom of it and fix the looping issue for good. After all, why should you compromise on your Entertainment dose if you can fix the problem?
Why Does my FireStick Keep Restarting?
There can be multiple reasons that may cause FireStick keeps restarting problem. Here are the common ones:
- Inconsistent or insufficient power supply
- Faulty USB cables & power adapters
- Overheated FireStick
- A dodgy app
- Outdated FireStick version
- Presence of Bugs, corrupted files
- Software glitches
- Hardware issues
- Low storage
- Cache accumulation
How to fix FireStick Keeps restarting
We have discussed several hacks below to fix FireStick keeps restarting problem. Hopefully one of the below-mentioned solutions will solve the problem.
Here’s how to troubleshoot it:
1. Try plugging Fire Stick directly into Power Outlet
If the USB port of your TV is supplying power to FireStick, chances are that it will not able to provide enough power to keep the FireStick running. And as a result, your FireStick will keep restarting and enter a restart loop.
The solution to this problem is to directly plug the FireStick into the power outlet. This will allow the FireStick to get enough power to keep it running.
It is also better to remove any Cable extensions whether it is the power extensions or USB extensions. They can be the reason for your FireStick restarting continuously.
2. Always use Original Accessories (Power Adapter & USB Cables)
It is recommended that you use original accessories (Power Adapter & USB cables) for plugging FireStick into power source and TV. This ensures that FireStick is getting the required power to keep running.
If you are using duplicate accessories with your FireStick, it might not work that well and may cause the FireStick to reboot continuously.
3. Check for Signs of Overheating
If your FireStick overheats, it can restart or shut down to protect itself. FireStick can get hot when it’s being used for an extended period.
Device being slightly warm is not a problem, but if you find the device is surprisingly hot to the touch, then you should switch off and leave it alone until it has cooled off.
4. Remove Other HDMI Devices Except the FireStick Device
If you have multiple HDMI devices plugged into your TV, it may interfere with your FireStick performance. Thus, your FireStick may keep restarting repeatedly.
To solve this problem, I suggest removing all the other HDMI devices from TV except FireStick device. Hopefully, it will rectify the issue. If not, try the other solutions mentioned in this post.
5. Disable HDMI CEC Device Control
Nowadays, most Smart TVs offer HDMI CEC features. This allows other HDMI devices including FireStick control basic TV functions. That means you can also change volume, brightness, etc. of TV with your FireStick remote too.
Although it’s a good feature, some users have claimed that this feature is causing restart loop problems in FireStick. You can turn this feature off and see if it solves the problem. Here are the steps:
1. Hit Gear icon ⚙️ (Settings) from FireStick main screen.
2. Choose Display & Sounds.
3. Select HDMI CEC Device Control and make sure it’s turned off.
6. Clear Cache of FireStick Application
Build-up of cache on FireStick overtime may also make it go haywire. This can make your FireStick device function abruptly and you may experience restart loop problem in FireStick.
Therefore, it is a good idea to clear cache of FireStick applications. Not only can it solve the issue, but it will also speed up your FireStick. Let us learn how to clear app cache in FireStick:
Read our article How to Clear Cache on FireStick for more info.
1. Click Gear icon ⚙️ (Settings) from FireStick main screen.
2. Hit Applications.
3. Choose Manage Installed Applications.
4. Select the app from which you want to clear cache. I am selecting Unlinked here. You will be able to see the cache size on the right side panel.
5. Hit Clear cache.
6. Uninstall FireStick Apps that You Rarely Use
If your FireStick device storage gets full, it will deteriorate the performance of FireStick. Since FireStick is a low storage device, it can get full pretty quickly.
It may lead the FireStick to function abnormally and cause the FireStick to keep restarting.
Besides a major portion of RAM of FireStick will be used up affecting FireStick performance if there are too many apps installed. So, it’s advisable to uninstall apps that you don’t use often or don’t use at all. Let’s learn how to do it:
1. Go to FireStick home screen and click Gear icon ⚙️ (Settings).
2. Hit Applications.
3. Choose Manage Installed Applications.
4. Click the app you want to uninstall.
5. Hit Uninstall.
6. Hit Uninstall again
7. Make Sure You’ve Connected the FireStick to a Compatible TV
Ensure that the FireStick you are connecting to your TV is compatible with it and vice versa. Generally, an HDCP-supported TV works well with FireStick devices.
While most TVs nowadays have this feature, it is better if you check and confirm the same. Otherwise, you may face FireStick keeps rebooting problem due to compatibility issues.
8. Connect FireStick to another HDMI port
If the issue is not caused due to a software problem, it is highly likely that either your FireStick or your TV is at fault.
One of the common issues you may encounter is faulty or incompatible HDMI ports. Try connecting FireStick to a different HDMI port and check if it rectifies the problem.
9. Connect Fire Stick to a Different TV
If still FireStick keeps restarting, there is a huge probability that the FireStick itself has some problems. But there are certain things you should try before confirming that there is a hardware issue.
For instance, try plugging the FireStick into a different TV and see if the problem persists. If the FireStick is working fine on the other TV, there is some problem with your TV and you should get it fixed.
10. Replace Faulty USB Cable with a new one
Nothing is everlasting. Everything has a shelf life. The same goes for the USB cables provided along with your FireStick. If it is not working properly, it will cause problems in FireStick.
Try changing the current USB cable with a new original one. This may solve your problem.
11. Replace Power Adapter
The original power adapter may also become faulty over time. So, try changing the adapter and see if the problem is gone or not. Ensure that the power adapter has a similar or higher power output than the previous one.
And, always buy an original adapter and avoid using duplicate ones.
12. Force Start your FireStick
FireStick Restart loop problem can be due to certain glitches, software errors, or Data cache. If it’s the case, restart the FireStick to solve the problem. Let’s learn how to do it:
We have written a detailed guide on How to Restart FireStick with various ways to restart or force start FireStick.
1. Unplug FireStick from the power outlet.
2. Wait for a minute or two.
3. Plug the FireStick back into the power outlet.
13. Update FireStick version
If you are using an outdated version of FireStick, it is likely to cause FireStick keeps rebooting problem. Developers keep updating FireStick version to remove bugs, glitches, or malware if any.
FireStick update also improves the performance of FireStick. That’s why you should always update FireStick to its latest version.
Although FireStick does a great job of auto-updating the OS, it’s good to check manually when you are having troubles like these. Let’s learn how to check and install updates on FireStick:
1. Hit Gear icon ⚙️ (Settings) from the FireStick main screen.
2. Choose My Fire TV.
3. Hit About.
4. Select Check for Updates.
Note: You may also see Install Update option if FireStick has auto-detected the update beforehand.
5. If there aren’t any new updates, it will say so. But if there are any available updates, click Install Updates to update it.
14. Update Your Apps
Alongside updating FireStick operating system, you also need to ensure all the apps on your FireStick are up-to-date as well. FireStick has the Automatic Update feature ON by default but you should check if the feature is ON. Here’s how you can check:
1. Hit Gear icon ⚙️(Settings) from the FireStick main screen.
2. Hit Applications.
3. Choose Appstore
4. Check if the Automatic Updates option reads ON below. If says OFF, click it to turn it ON.
To update your third-party apps, you will need to Uninstall the previous version and get the new version manually.
15. Change the Batteries of FireStick Remote to Fix Firestick Keeps Restarting issue
This is one of the uncommon causes that may cause FireStick restarting problem. But sometimes, when the battery power of FireStick remote is low, it can send wrong restart signals to FireStick even if you didn’t give any commands.
So, you may try replacing the old batteries of FireStick remote with new ones to fix the problem.
16. Last Resort: Reset FireStick to Factory defaults
This method should be followed if all the above-mentioned methods fail to work and your FireStick continues restarting.
If the FireStick keeps rebooting problem is actually due to a software issue, you can perform a hard reset on FireStick. This will change the FireStick settings to factory defaults.
It will, however, erase all your files, login data, and installed apps except the pre-installed apps. It will give FireStick a fresh start. Let us quickly learn how to reset FireStick:
Read our article for further info: How to reset FireStick
1. Head to the main screen of FireStick. Select Gear icon ⚙️ (Settings).
2. Hit My Fire TV option.
3. Choose Reset to Factory Defaults.
4. Hit Reset to confirm.
5. Your FireStick will reset completely in a few minutes.
17. Get your FireStick fixed from Amazon Service Center
If there is no software issue in your FireStick, the problem is because of a hardware issue in your FireStick. In such a case, you have to get it touch with Amazon and have it repaired.
18. Buy a New FireStick
If the FireStick is beyond repair, you are left with no option but to buy a new one. Make sure you buy it from an original dealer to get a guarantee of its authenticity. Also, check whether the FireStick device you are purchasing is compatible with your TV.
Why FireStick Keeps Blinking Off & On?
If your FireStick blinks off and on, the problem might be caused due to a video signal problem or a resolution/ refresh rate issue. It can also be due to an HDMI connectivity issue.
To tackle this problem, you can change the HDMI cord and see if it rectifies the problem. Also, ensure that your internet connection is not weak. Change your ISP if needed. You can also try changing the resolution of video on FireStick. To do that, follow the below steps:
1. Go to the home screen of FireStick. Select Gear icon ⚙️ (Settings).
2. Choose Display & Sounds.
3. Select Display.
4. Hit Video Resolution and change the video resolution.
5. Choose a lower resolution and check if the problem is fixed.
Wrapping Up
I am sure that your FireStick keeps restarting problem will be solved if you follow the solutions provided properly. The preliminary step you should take is to check whether the FireStick is getting enough power from the power source. Because it is likely one of the most common reasons for this issue.
If software issues are behind its restart loop cause, you can reset it. However, make sure all your data is backed up before you do that.
Also, if there are hardware issues in FireStick, you yourself cannot solve the problem. So, it’s better to leave it to an expert (Amazon service center engineer/technician). You can also get a brand new FireStick if you think it’s not worth the trouble.
Hi, I am Alyssa! I am a tech enthusiast and a blogger. I have been using Kodi and FireStick since 2016. I wanted to share my latest tech discoveries and knowledge with the World, which led me to start this blog in 2021. I post in-depth how-to guides for FireStick devices & Kodi in a way that is easy to understand for people of all ages. Thanks for stopping by!