How to Install SmartTubeNext on FireStick [Ad-Free YouTube]

This article is going to help you install SmartTubeNext on FireStick. You can also install this app using the same technique on other Fire TV and Android devices.

SmartTubeNext is a modified version of the Original YouTube app. How is it better, you ask? Well, it does not feature any intermittent advertisements. None at all. If you are tired of ads on YouTube, then this app is for you.

With SmartTubeNext, you can now watch ad-free Youtube on your FireStick and other Fire TV devices.

If you are an android user, you have probably heard of YouTube Vanced app. Sadly, Vanced does not work very well on remote operated devices like FireStick. But SmartTubeNext is a godsend, it works like a dream on FireStick.

This app has a Background playing feature to let you enjoy this app even in the background. It has a beautiful interface that is partially similar to the official YouTube app. Enjoy trending videos, popular videos, movies, songs, podcasts, news, and many more on this app without having to watch promo ads in between.

SmartTube Next app provides us a hassle-free way of watching YouTube on FireStick. Hence, we included this app on our Best FireStick apps list.

How to Install SmartTubeNext on FireStick

The step-by-step instructions to get SmartTubeNext APK on FireStick are provided below:

1. Install Downloader App

Downloader is the app we are going to use to sideload SmartTubeNext on Amazon FireStick. You can download this app from the Amazon App Store. Follow the steps below:

For a deeper dive on Downloader, visit our guide: How to Sideload Apps with Downloader

1. Go to your FireStick home screen and select Find on the middle menu bar.

SmartTubeNext for FireStick

2. Click Search

how to install SmartTubeNext on FireStick

3. Type in Downloader using the FireStick on-screen keyboard. Then, click it in the search suggestions

Type in Downloader using the FireStick on-screen keyboard

4. Select Downloader app on the next window.

SmartTubeNext APK

5. Click Get or Download

install SmartTubeNext on fire stick

6. FireStick will now download and install Downloader app. Once done, click the Open button.

how to get SmartTubeNext on Amazon FireStick

7. Upon the first launch, Downloader app will ask for certain permissions. Click Allow

Click Allow

8. When you see the Quick start window, click OK 

how to get SmartTubeNext on Amazon FireStick

2. Turn ON Install Unknown Apps

We need to enable install unknown apps feature to sideload apps on FireStick. You can find this option in the FireStick Settings. Here is how it is done:

1. Return to the FireStick home screen. Click the Gear Icon on the middle menu bar

how to install SmartTubeNext APK on FireStick

2. On the next screen, click My Fire TV 

download SmartTubeNext on FireStick

3. Now, choose Developer Options.

πŸ’‘Note: Can’t find Developer Options? Go to: Settings > My Fire TV > About. Repeatedly select the first menu item 7 times. The message "No need, you are already a developer" will appear. Go back to the My Fire TV menu to find the newly revealed "Developer Options". Check out our guide with screenshots and video tutorial: How to Unhide/Reveal Developer Options.

Now, choose Developer Options

4. Click Install unknown apps

πŸ“ŒNote: If you find Apps from Unknown Sources option here, click Apps from Unknown Sources > Turn On. Then, ignore the next step.

set up SmartTubeNext on FireStick

5. Next, select Downloader and make sure it says ON

SmartTubeNext APK download

The Downloader app is now ready to sideload apps on FireStick

3. Install SmartTubeNext on FireStick

Now, on to the final step. Follow the steps below to install SmartTubeNext on FireStick and Fire TV:

1. Hold down the FireStick Remote Home Button  for 5 seconds, then click Apps

how to install SmartTubeNext on FireStick

2. Run Downloader app by clicking its icon

Run Downloader app by clicking its icon

3. Click where it says Enter a URL.

steps to install SmartTubeNext

4. Enter the following URL to download the SmartTubeNext APK:

The APK is hosted at the Github website.

Click Go

πŸ“Œ NOTE: Instead of typing this long URL, you can simply enter the Downloader code for SmartTube Next: 79040

It’s much easier.

Get SmartTubeNext APK

5. Once the website loads, scroll down and click BetaDownload or Stable download. Both work fine. However, I will be installing the stable version as our demo.

SmartTube Next on FireStick

6. The APK will download now.

The APK will download now

8. When the downloading process has finished, click INSTALL

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9. FireStick will now install the app. It will only take a few seconds.

how to install SmartTubeNext on FireStick

10. When the app is installed, click DONE. This is to delete the SmartTubeNext APK file, which is no longer required.

When the app is installed, click DONE.

11. Click Delete 

SmartTubeNext APK

12. When you the next prompt, click Delete to confirm.

install SmartTubeNext on fire stick

You have now successfully installed SmartTubeNext on your FireStick device.

How to Use SmartTubeNext on FireStick

SmartTube Next App is very easy to access on FireStick. You just need to follow two steps:

1. Hold down the FireStick Remote Home Button  for 5 seconds, then click Apps

how to install SmartTubeNext on FireStick

2. Click the SmartTubeNext app icon. It will launch instantly.

how to get SmartTube Next on Amazon FireStick

Below is the screenshot of the SmartTubeNext homepage on FireStick:

how to install SmartTubeNext APK on FireStick

Overview of SmartTubeNext APK:

The interface of SmartTubeNext is partially similar to the official YouTube app. The app on opening will show you the Home page which has a list of recommended videos. Click on a video and it will start to play- it’s that simple.

The extreme left Corner on the top has a search icon for searching videos of your choice. You will need to press the left button of the navigation ring on your FireStick to access the main menu.

search icon

Click on the left button of the navigation ring of your FireStick remote to find the Main menu bar. It has 9 other options – Home, Gaming, Music, Channels, News, Subscriptions, History, Playlists, & Settings.

how to use SmartTubeNext on FireStick

There are separate dedicated sections for Gaming, News, and Music on this app. The Channels section is for managing your own channel if any.

The Subscriptions section will show all the videos and Notifications of the channels you have subscribed to. The History section will show your previous watch history. All your created playlists including your liked videos will show in your playlists.

The Settings section further has 11 sub-categories. These include Accounts, Linked devices, Language/ Country, General, User Interface, Video Player, Auto frame rate, Subtitles, Search, Sponsorblock, and About

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Accounts have four sub-sections- Select on boot, Select Account, Add account and Remove account. These sub-sections help to manage your accounts with more ease. Linked devices show all the devices linked to your device for chrome-casting. Change language in the Languages/Country section.


The General section also has 6 sub-sections. These are Set-up sections, Boot to section, Exit from the app, Background playback, Background playback (activation), and Misc.

how to install SmartTubeNext on FireStick

To activate the background player, click on Background playback. It is disabled by default. There are 3 other options that you can choose from. Here are the options:

install SmartTubeNext on fire stick

You can change your UI scale, Video grade scale, colour scheme, etc. in the User Interface section.

User Interface section

Auto frame rate is used to adjust your frame rate according to your internet speed. Change your subtitle style in the Subtitles section.

set up SmartTubeNext on FireStick

Sponsorblock is to block all the sponsor ads. About section has basic information about SmartTubeNext.

Manage your video player settings in the Video Player section. There are various settings option in the Video Player too

download SmartTubeNext on FireStick

How to Sign In to your YouTube account from SmartTubeNext App

For Signing in to your YouTube account from SmartTubeNext App, follow these steps:

1. Click on the left button of the navigation ring on your FireStick remote

2. Scroll up and click the Accounts option

SmartTubeNext APK download

3. Then, select Sign in

select sign in

4. A code will appear on your FireStick screen

Ad-free youtube

5. On another device, visit on a browser

6. Type in the activation code and click Next.

steps to install SmartTubeNext

7. Click the account you want to add

8. You will be signed in to your YouTube account within a few seconds. And you will see this Success confirmation

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SmartTubeNext app is for all those who want to enjoy some of the YouTube premium features without paying a dime.

This app works like a charm for those who want to watch YouTube videos uninterrupted without thinking about the annoying ads in between. There is also a Background playing feature to let you enjoy this app even in the background.

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