Set Up & Use Real Debrid with FireStick Apps & Kodi 2025

In today’s tutorial, you will learn how to set up and use Real Debrid on FireStick and Kodi. The instructions can be used on Fire TV Cube, Fire TV Stick 2nd & 3rd Gen, FireStick Lite, Nvidia Shield, Chromecast, Smartphones, and more!

Streaming Apps and Kodi Addons are great resources for entertainment. But there is a slight problem- most of the streams available for a movie or TV episode are of low-resolution (720p or below). Even if there are full HD streams available, they never seem to play or play with loads of buffering. Low video quality can be very frustrating.

With technologies advancing, 4K videos have become the new phenomenon. Once we have experienced 4K video quality, it’s hard to settle for anything less than 1080p video quality. So, if you are someone that can’t watch low-res videos, then Real Debrid (RD) is for you.

When you integrate Real Debrid with Streaming apps or Kodi addons, you will get access to hundreds of full-HD streams for a particular TV episode or movie. Furthermore, it is compatible with most of the Firestick apps and Kodi addons.

What is Real Debrid?

Real-Debrid (RD) is a premium file hoster that helps you overcome buffering issues on Streaming Apps and Kodi Addons. With RD, you will also gain access to several HD and 4K quality streaming links, which you can’t access otherwise.

Even though Real Debrid is a paid service, it’s extremely cost-effective. With Real Debrid integrated within your favorite Streaming App or Kodi addon, you won’t have to spend hours sifting through non-working, low-quality streaming links. It’s worth every penny as it drastically enhances your streaming experience.

Real-Debrid Pricing

Real-Debrid offers 4 types of subscription options:

15-Day Subscription + 150 Fidelity Points: ~ 3.65 USD (3 EUR)

30-Day Subscription + 200 Fidelity Points: ~ 4.87 USD (4 EUR)

90-Day Subscription + 450 Fidelity Points: ~ 10.95 USD (9 EUR)

180-Day Subscription + 800 Fidelity Points: ~ $19.47 USD (16 EUR)

Real Debrid pricing

Note: You can only use your Fidelity points once you reach 1000 Fidelity points. 1,000 fidelity points will give you 30 days of premium Real-Debrid usage.

Real-Debrid also has an affiliate program where one affiliate conversion will add 5 days and 50 fidelity points to your account.

Before you sign up for Real-Debrid, let us talk about Real Debrid’s Privacy Policy. We were going through the privacy policy on Real Debrid’s website and found out that it logs the users’ data such as IP address, geo-location for up to 1 year.

Moreover, they clearly mention that they could disclose users’ data in order to protect their legal rights or if the judicial authorities come knocking at their door. Below is a screenshot of their Privacy Policy:

Privacy Policy

Therefore, we always recommend using a VPN to mask your IP address and hide your geo-location.

How to Sign Up for Real Debrid

To integrate Real-Debrid into your favorite streaming app or Kodi addon, you need to sign up for Real Debrid first. Then purchase a subscription plan of your choosing and enjoy buffer-free streaming experience.

Here’s how you can register for a Real-Debrid account:

1. Go to

2. From the top right corner, choose Sign Up

How to sign up for Real Debrid

3. Enter the information on the sign-up form and click Sign Up again. Make sure you have selected Yes under I have read and I accept the Terms of Services and Privacy Policy

register for Real Debrid

4. Upon successful registration, you will see Your registration was successful message

5. Open your e-mail and click on the account activation link from Real-Debrid to activate your account

6. Now, sign in to your Real-Debrid Account, and the Premium Offers page will open by default. If it doesn’t, you may click on the Premium Offers tab to open it

How to set up Real Debrid

7. Choose a premium plan of your preference and click Subscribe to buy it. Follow the on-screen instructions to make the payment.

click Subscribe

That’s all! Your Real-Debrid Registration is now done.

How to Use Real-Debrid on FireStick Streaming Apps (APKs)

Integrating Real-Debrid within streaming apps is super easy. In this example, I will authorize Real Debrid within Cinema HD APK. The interface of streaming APKs varies, however, the process is pretty much the same for all other apps in our Best FireStick Apps list.

Here are the steps:

1. First of all, you need to get a Real Debrid subscription if you don’t have one already. Get it HERE

2. Launch Cinema HD (or your preferred streaming app)

3. Click the Hamburger Menu (3 horizontal lines) button in the top left corner.

How to set up Real Debrid with a FireStick app

4. Select Settings.

set up Real Debrid on your Amazon FireStick

5. Choose ACCOUNT

Choose Accounts

6. Click Login to Real-Debrid.

Click Login to Real-Debrid

7. A code will appear on the screen.

8. On another browser, visit

9. Enter the activation code and click Continue.

firestick real debrid setup

10. You will see the Application allowed notification.

How to set up Real Debrid

11. You’re now logged in to Real-Debrid within Cinema APK.

12. Search for any Movie or TV episode you wish to watch

13. You will notice that Real-Debrid streams are highlighted in a different color. In Cinema HD, Real Debrid links show up in yellow.

So, that’s how you use Real debrid with the Cinema HD app.

How to Use Real-Debrid with Kodi Add-ons

To use Real Debrid with Kodi addons, you must integrate Real-Debrid within a Kodi addon of your choice. For demonstration purposes, I will be using The Crew addon. This addon uses ResolveURL dependency, so these Real-Debrid integration steps will work with all Kodi add-ons that use the URLResolver dependency. However, the interface of Kodi add-ons may vary a little.

Follow the steps below:

1. First of all, you need to get a Real Debrid subscription if you don’t have one already. Get it HERE

2. Launch The Crew Addon (or your preferred Kodi addon)

3. Click Tools.

Click Tools


5. Now on the left menu panel, select Universal Resolvers. And on the right, scroll down to the Real-Debrid Section and then select (Re)Authorise My Account

set up Real Debrid on your Kodi

6. A code will appear on the Kodi screen

A code will appear on the Kodi screen

7. On another browser, visit

8. Enter the activation code and click Continue.

Kodi real debrid setup

9. You will see Application allowed notification.

How to set up real debrid

10. Search for any Movie or TV episode you wish to watch

11. You will see Real-Debrid streams appear with RD in the streaming link name

So, that’s how you use Real debrid with The Crew Kodi Add-on.

How to Use Real-Debrid with Kodi Builds

Just like Kodi Addons, you can also use Real-Debrid with Kodi Builds. Here, I am taking Diggz Xenon Plus Build as an example. The steps will be similar for other Kodi Builds, given they support Real Debrid.

Here’s what you need to do:

1. First of all, you need to get a Real Debrid subscription if you don’t have one already. Get it HERE

2. Launch Diggz Xenon Plus Build (or your preferred Kodi Build)

3. On the home screen, select -LOGGINS-

Kodi real debrid setup

4. Click Real Debrid (ResolveURL)

Use Kodi with real debrid

5. A code will appear on your Kodi screen

Kodi real debrid setup

6. On another browser, go to

7. Enter the code and click Continue.

Enter the code and click Continue

8. You will encounter an Application allowed notification.

How to set up real debrid

That’s all!  You have successfully integrated Real-Debrid within Diggz Xenon Plus Kodi Build.

stream safely


Real Debrid is one of the best methods of improving your streaming experience. It will add tons of new and full HD links to a movie or TV show. It also fixes buffering problems while streaming. If your favorite FireStick streaming app or Kodi addon has not been fetching high-quality streaming links, you must get a real debrid subscription.

Should you have trouble with Signing up or authorizing Real-Debrid on FireStick or Kodi, please feel free to comment below. We will get back to you as fast as we can.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is Real-Debrid free?

Real Debrid is a subscription-only service and costs approximately 4 EUR (4.87 USD) per month. There are 4 different subscription plans to choose from including a 15-Day Plan. Real Debrid used to offer free service during particular hours of the day. However, they have discontinued it now.

What does Real-Debrid do?

Real-Debrid is a premium multi-hoster that eliminates buffering on Kodi or other streaming APKs. It also gives you access to hundreds of new full HD links that you won’t have access to otherwise.

Is Real-Debrid legal?

Yes, Real-Debrid is completely legal. However, some media content you access through Real Debrid could be illegal. So, remember to only access media in the public domain.

Do I need a VPN with Real-Debrid?

Using a VPN is always recommended when streaming. However, some VPN may not be compatible with Real-Debrid. We recommend using ExpressVPN or Surfshark VPN, they work well with Real Debrid. Besides, Real Debrid logs the users’ data for up to 1 year, therefore using a VPN with Real Debrid is a must.

How many devices can I use Real Debrid on?

If you are on the same network, you can use Real Debrid on unlimited devices. You can even use it on your phone when you are away from home, but only if nobody else is using it on a different network.

What Apps can be used with Real-Debrid?

Most of the on-demand streaming apps and Kodi addons allow integration of Real debrid.

Does Real-Debrid Work with IPTV?

No. Real Debrid only works with Video On-demand (VOD) content.
