17 Easy & Effective Solutions to Stop Buffering on FireStick

Today, we are going to discuss how to fix Buffering on FireStick. The solutions mentioned here also apply to all Fire TV, Fire TV Stick Lite, Fire TV Cube, and other similar devices.

Amazon FireStick is a very popular device used for media streaming. This device lets you stream videos online, install fun and useful apps, play music, etc. thus amplifying your TV watching experience.

However, sometimes the FireStick device tends to face buffering problems. This causes the videos to get stuck or lag. It can be truly frustrating and requires fixing for a buffer-free viewing experience.

No one wants disruption while streaming. But there are a lot of potential solutions out there on the Internet, however, not all of them work. So, we are here to help you. This post will help you to fix buffering on FireStick and enjoy watching your favorite content without any interruption.

Dealing with slow FireStick? HERE is our guide to speed up FireStick.

Why does my FireStick Keep Buffering?

Buffering is a video lagging issue. More often than not, it happens when you are watching your favorite movie or TV episode and the video stops abruptly for a few seconds or more. This occurrence can be annoying as it disrupts your entire streaming experience. There are several reasons why you may be experiencing buffering on FireStick.

The probable causes that might lead to Buffering issues on FireStick are discussed below:

1. Bandwidth hogging:

Whenever multiple devices are connected to your WiFi connection, chances are that they are using all the internet bandwidth leaving very little for your FireStick Device. This can cause Buffering issues on FireStick.

2. Bad Internet Speed

Slow internet is the most common cause of FireStick buffering.

3. Low RAM

Most of the FireStick devices have low specs including lower RAM allocation. If too many unnecessary apps are running in the background on your FireStick device, it will lead to Buffering issues on FireStick.

4. Outdated FireStick Version

If your FireStick is not updated to its latest version, you might face buffering issues.

5. Overheated FireStick

If your FireStick device is heating up more than it should, it can create buffering problems.

6. Internet Throttling by Internet Service Providers (ISPs)

Sometimes your Internet Service Provider purposefully throttles your internet speed to minimize bandwidth usage. This also can cause buffering on your FireStick.

7. Malware or Virus Infection

Make sure your device is free from malware and viruses which might deteriorate your device performance.

8. Low Storage Issue

Whenever unnecessary files and APKs are clogging your FireStick storage space, buffering issues can be observed.

9. Connection Interference

Your FireStick will buffer if there’s any interference between your Router and your FireStick device, leading to a weak connection. It could be anything, for e.g thick walls, devices kept too far from the router, etc.

10. Video Source Link/ Server Error

You can face buffering issues on FireStick for a particular video or server.

How to Stop Buffering on FireStick

We have rounded up quite a few easy, and practical solutions to stop waiting for your videos to buffer. You need not try them all – try them one by one until your problem is resolved. Below are the solutions to fix buffering on FireStick:

1. Boost your Internet Speed

Your Internet Speed might be causing buffering issues on FireStick. Ensure you have a good internet speed. Let’s check your internet speed first.  Here’s how you do it:

1. From your FireStick home screen, click Find >Search

Click find and then click search

2. Search for the app called Internet Speed Test

enter the word speed test

3. Click the Internet Speed Test app icon

select internet speed test

4. Click Get

Click Get

5. Click Open

How to fix FireStick buffering issues

6. Click START TEST. Wait for a few seconds to check the test result.

FireStick buffering

If the internet speed test results are not satisfactory, opt for a different plan. If your existing ISP doesn’t offer anything better, go for a new internet service provider that provides fast internet speed.

2. Strengthen the Wi-Fi signal

Make sure your FireStick device and WiFi router are not placed too far from each other. Also, they should be not separated by any thick walls. Try to position the router where TV is located, if that’s the place where you spend most of your time. Buy a Wi-Fi Extender in case the distance between the router and the FireStick cannot be avoided.

Here’s how you check whether your WiFi signal strength is weak or good:

1. Select Gear Icon on the FireStick home screen

Buffering on FireStick

2. Click on Network.

Click on Network

3. Now, find your WiFi connection name

FireStick buffering issues

4. Then, press the Play/Pause button   on your FireStick remote to check the signal strength status.

3. Restart FireStick

If you are unable to find the exact reason for buffering on FireStick, restart your FireStick device. This might do the trick and fix your FireStick buffering problem.

HERE is a detailed guide on how to restart FireStick.

Let’s learn how to restart your FireStick:

1. Select Gear Icon after heading to the FireStick home screen

Buffering on FireStick

2. Select My Fire TV

Select My Fire TV

3. Now click Restart

Now click Restart

4. Again reconfirm it by clicking Restart

How to fix FireStick buffering issues

4. Reboot Your Router

There might be a chance that your WiFi Router might not be functioning properly and in such cases, you will either face connectivity issues or slow internet speed. Therefore, you should reboot your Router and reconnect your FireStick device to it. If you experience serious speed issues, you might consider resetting your router every day. It’s as simple as turning the device off for a minute and then turning it back on. It is a super easy fix and works for the most part.

5. Embrace Ethernet Cable

Sometimes your FireStick device and WiFi router are too far from each other and the distance cannot be minimized due to some unavoidable circumstances. A  Wi-Fi Extender might not help in that case. The only solution to such a problem is to use an ethernet cable to improve your connectivity speed.

While wireless connections are convenient, they are usually not as fast and reliable as the cabled connections like ethernet.

6. Use a VPN service

Many times, your ISP throttles your internet and this leads to FireStick buffering issues. This problem can be averted by using a VPN while streaming. Using a premium VPN will not only save you from internet throttling but will also allow you to stream content that is otherwise restricted in your geographical location. Apart from that, VPN will hide your IP address and maintain your privacy keeping your personal data safe.

We recommend using ExpressVPN. Check out our VPN guide to know more about VPNs.

7. Change VPN Server Location

Sometimes you are trying to watch a particular content and you have made sure that you are connected to a VPN while streaming, but still, you are facing buffering issues.

The reason might be simple – the content you are trying to watch might be restricted in the VPN Server Location you are connected to. Try connecting to a different VPN Server Location and then try streaming again.

8. Clear up RAM of your FireStick device

The RAM of the FireStick device is really less, ranging from 1 to 1.5 GB. Free RAM is essential for any device to run smoothly. Sometimes when too many apps are running in the background, there is no free RAM available leading to Buffering issues. Closing Background Apps that are not necessary will help to solve this problem.

We can clear RAM by closing Background Apps using Background Apps and Process List App. Let’s learn how to install it and use it:

1. After turning on the FireStick device, click Find > Search

FireStick buffering issues

2. Search for Background Apps and Process List

FireStick buffering

3. Then, install it by following the on-screen instructions

install it by following the on-screen instructions

4. After opening it, click Got it to close the prompt window.

You can stop this app from opening every time you boot your device by unchecking the Open app on boot box if you’d like

Buffering on FireStick

5. You can see all the applications running in the background. Click CLOSE ALL APPS

FireStick buffering issues

6. Now click Force Stop for the app you want to stop running in the background. Click the back Button on your remote and repeat the process with as many apps as you like.

Force stop

πŸ“Œ IMPORTANT!! Do not Force Stop the VPN app that you may be using.

9. Solve Bandwidth Hogging Problem

Check whether too many devices are connected to your WiFi or too many apps using your data thus limiting your bandwidth for your FireStick. This can cause buffering issues on FireStick. To solve this problem, disconnect the WiFi connection from any other devices you are not using currently. Also, make sure you are not downloading any heavy files on any other device, pause the download while you are streaming on FireStick.

10. Free up Storage Space of your FireStick

Your FireStick has limited Storage Space and keeping too many unnecessary files and APKs might slow your FireStick device and cause buffering issues. To solve this issue, remove unwanted files and uninstall apps that are barely used. Let’s learn how to uninstall any app:

1. Go to your FireStick Home screen, Click Gear Icon

Buffering on FireStick

2. Click Applications

Buffering issues on FireStick

3. Click Manage Installed Applications

How to fix buffering on FireStick

4. Scroll down to the app that you want to uninstall. I am choosing CyberFlix TV here

Scroll down to the app that you want to uninstall

5. Click Uninstall

How to fix FireStick buffering issues

6. Click Uninstall again to confirm

click uninstall

11. Clear Cache of Apps

If you’ve never heard of a “cache” on your internet browser, now’s the time to find out what it is. As you visit websites and enter information, browsers collect little bits of information about you, often in the form of cookies.

For detailed knowledge, please visit our guide: How to clear cache on FireStick

If you are facing buffering issues on a particular streaming app, try clearing its cache file to solve your problem. We can clear Cache or App data of apps by following the below steps:

1. Click Gear Icon from FireStick Home screen

Buffering on FireStick

2. Click Applications

Buffering issues on FireStick

3. Select Manage Installed Applications

How to fix buffering on FireStick

4. You will be able to see the installed applications list now. Select the app that is having buffering problems. I am choosing Cinema HD APK here

I am choosing Cinema HD APK here

6. Click Clear cache to just clear the APK cache files.

Buffering on FireStick

πŸ“Œ Note: If you wish to Clear data, remember that it will delete all the app data thus resetting it to factory defaults.

12. Try a lower video quality

If your internet speed is not as fast as you are expecting it to be, you will face buffering issues whenever you try to watch a high-definition quality video. In such cases, try switching to lower video quality and it might stop buffering.

13. Modify privacy settings

FireStick Operating System runs certain processes in the background in order to let Amazon monitor and collect your personal data for better marketing strategies & app and OS improvement. Since FireStick has lower RAMs, it might slow it down and eventually cause buffering issues.

Let’s learn how to disable monitoring & collection of data:

1. From the FireStick home screen, select Gear Icon

Buffering on FireStick

2. Now, select Preferences

select Preferences

3. Next, click on Privacy Settings

FireStick buffering issues

4. Click Device Usage Data 

Buffering issues on FireStick

5. Click Turn Off

How to fix buffering on FireStick

6. Go back and do the same with Collect App Usage Data

Go back and do the same with Collect App Usage Data

7. Click Turn Off

How to fix FireStick buffering issues

6. Now, go back again and click on Data Monitoring and turn it OFF

FireStick buffering

14. Update FireStick Operating System

If you are using an outdated or old version of FireStick, you might experience buffering on FireStick. So, if for any reason your FireStick is not automatically updated to a newer version, you have to manually update it. Let’s learn how to check for any new FireStick Operating System updates and install them:

1. From the FireStick home screen, click the Gear Icon

Buffering on FireStick

2. Select My Fire TV

Select My Fire TV

3. Hit About icon

Buffering on FireStick

4. Now, click on Check for Updates

5. Wait for some time to know if there are any new updates available for your FireStick.

6. If there is any update available, you will see Install Update instead. Click Install Update and wait for it to be updated.

Click Install Update and wait for it to be updated.

15. Avoid Overheating of your FireStick

If your FireStick is getting heated more than it should, it might not function properly and hence cause buffering issues. Switch off your FireStick Device for some time if it’s heated more than normal. Giving your FireStick Device a rest from time to time will allow it to work smoothly. Also, don’t keep your FireStick Device switched on if you are not using it.

16. Link Real-Debrid Account with Third-Party Applications

You might be facing buffering issues because the link that you are streaming right now is probably not working properly due to a slow server. To tackle this problem, link Real-Debrid Account with 3rd Party Applications you are using and enjoy buffer-free HD streaming links. Most 3rd Party Applications support Real-Debrid sign-in including Cinema HD, FilmPlus, CyberFlix TV, etc.

To know more about Real-Debrid, check our Real-Debrid guide.

17. Reset FireStick to its Factory Default

If none of the above-mentioned hacks solve your FireStick buffering issues, you have to reset it to its Factory Default. Doing so will remove all your files and installed apps. So, remember to back up your data before resetting it. This will also remove any malware or virus present. You can reinstall the deleted apps after resetting is complete.

Here’s our detailed guide: How to Reset FireStick to Factory Defaults

Let’s learn how to factory reset your FireStick:

1. On the FireStick home screen, click the Gear Icon

Buffering on FireStick

2. Select My Fire TV

Select My Fire TV

3. Click Reset to Factory Defaults

FireStick buffering issues

4. Next, click Reset and wait for the FireStick to reset.

Buffering issues on FireStick

Your FireStick will be reset to factory defaults in a minute or so.

Summing Up

FireStick Buffering can be frustrating since it ruins your streaming experience. Use these solutions provided in this guide and you should be back to binging uninterruptedly in no time.

If you are still facing issues with FireStick buffering, please drop in a comment below.

Frequently Asked Questions

How can I improve my FireStick performance?

To improve FireStick performance, clear APK cache files, uninstall unnecessary APKs, update FireStick to its latest version, and use a fast internet connection. 

Will a better router stop buffering?

A better router might stop buffering issues but it might not be the case always as there are various causes behind FireStick buffering.

What is the lifespan of a Firestick?

There’s no specific lifespan of a Firestick. It could last for an average of 2-3 years or maybe more.

Will a VPN stop buffering on Firestick?

A VPN will stop buffering issues on Firestick if you are being throttled or geo-blocked by your ISP.

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