How to Install CrewNique Kodi Build: Step-by-Step Illustrated Guide

CrewNique is a brand new Kodi Build from The Crew Wizard Repository. And it has quickly become our favorite. In today’s guide, I will walk you through the step-by-step process to install CrewNique Kodi Build.

I have also provided steps to use CrewNique Build after the installation. 

The same steps can be applied to get CrewNique on all other Kodi-supported devices such as FireStick, Fire TV Cubes, Android TVs (NVIDIA Shield, Android TV Boxes, etc.), Computers, mobiles, and many others.

CrewNique Build simply looks classy. You can stream all kinds of content with CrewNique Build—Be it movies, TV Live TV, Sports, Sports Replays, Kid’s content, or IPTV.

This Build features one of the best Kodi addons: The Crew. It also has other incredible add-ons like Ghost, Ghost TV, Chain Reaction/Chains, Purely Wrestling, tvOne, and more.

The Crew Wizard Repository also features other Builds that you will be able to install by following this tutorial. Other Builds include Green Monster, Crews Odyssey, CrewZion, Blue Hats, Skeleton, and many others.

CrewNique is the first Kodi Build to feature on our website and it is definitely going to be in our Best Kodi Builds list.

You must install Kodi on your device first before you install CrewNique Build. You may get Kodi using our guide: How to install Kodi.

How to Install CrewNique Kodi Build

Installing CrewNique Kodi Build on your device is easy and takes only a few minutes. Please follow all the steps carefully to ensure a successful installation.

1. Allow Unknown Sources within Kodi

When you are installing a third-party Build such as CrewNique on Kodi, you must ensure that Installation from Unknown Sources is enabled within Kodi Settings. Here is how:

1. Open the Kodi App on your device

2. Then, move your cursor to the top left corner of the screen and click Settings (Gear Icon)

click Settings (Gear Icon)

3. Select System from the list of choices.

CrewNique build for Kodi

4. On the left menu pane, select Add-ons. Click the toggle switch for Unknown Sources on the right side of the screen.

Click the toggle switch for Unknown Sources

5. A warning will be shown on the screen.

Read this before proceeding.

It says the Add-ons/Builds will be given access to personal data stored on your device.

Now, if you do not want your personal data accessed by third-party Builds, it is important to use a reliable VPN like ExpressVPN while streaming through a third-party Add-on.

Choose Yes to the prompt.

how to install CrewNique build on Kodi

2. Install Repository Containing The Crew Wizard

TheCrewNique is a third-party Build that is not hosted in the default Kodi repository. This means that we need to install it from an external source/repository that hosts the build.

The Crew is the repository for CrewNique Build. We’ll first download and install this Kodi repository. Please follow the instructions below:

1. Click Settings (Gear Icon) once again when you are back on the Kodi main screen.

click Settings (Gear Icon)

2. Go to File Manager.

Go to File Manager

3. On either side of the screen, click Add Source.

Kodi CrewNique Build

4. Click <None>.

Click <None>

5. Correctly enter the following URL:

Check for mistakes. Click OK when you are ready.

install CrewNique build on Kodi

6. Give this source a name that can be easily identified. I’m naming it crew. You are free to use whatever name you like. Hit OK.

I'm naming it crew

7. Click OK once more.

how to get CrewNique build on Kodi

8. Go back to the Settings page and select Add-ons this time.

how to install CrewNique build on Kodi

9. Select Install From Zip File.

download CrewNique build on Kodi

10. You will see a notification on the screen. Choose Yes to move forward.

Choose Yes

11. Click the source name (in this case, crew) that you previously named the source.

CrewNique Kodi build

12. Select

set up CrewNique build on Kodi

13. Wait until a notification stating that The Crew Repo has been installed appears in the top-right corner.

The Crew Repo has been installed

3. Install The Crew Wizard from The Crew Repo

We may now download and install the CrewNique Wizard. Please follow the subsequent steps:

1. Click Install From Repository on the Addons page.

CrewNique build for Kodi

2. Select The Crew Repo

CrewNique build download

3. Navigate to Program Add-ons.

Navigate to Program Add-ons

4. Click THE CREW WIZARD from the list of options.

how to install CrewNique build on Kodi

5. On Kodi’s screen, click Install in the lower right corner.

steps to install CrewNique build

6. The Crew Wizard will first download, after which it will be installed.

7. Wait until you see a notification saying “The Crew Wizard Add-on installed” appear in the top-right corner of the screen.

he Crew Wizard Add-on installed

4. Install CrewNique Kodi Build from Crew Wizard

This is the final part to install CrewNique Build on Kodi. Here are the steps:

1. The Crew Wizard Welcome screen will appear. Click Dismiss

Click Dismiss

2. Next, you will see the following prompt on the screen. Click Continue to proceed.

how to use CrewNique build on Kodi

3. Click Build Menu.

CrewNique build for Kodi

💡Note: If you don’t see this prompt, you can go to Kodi Home Screen > Addons > Program Addons > The Crew Wizard and you will get access to this wizard. how to install CrewNique build on Kodi

4. Select Builds.

Select Builds

5. Select the Build that you wish to install from The Crew Wizard Repository’s huge Builds catalog. I am going to select the CrewNique Build.

CrewNique Kodi build

6. You will have the option to go for Standard Install or Fresh Install. I recommend selecting Fresh Install as it will erase existing Kodi data and the build will be installed on a clean slate.

Fresh Install

7. The next prompt seeks confirmation to reset Kodi. Click Continue.

how to install CrewNique build on Kodi

8. CrewNique Build will be downloaded and installed on your device. Give it a couple of minutes.

install CrewNique build on Kodi

9. If you are asked to Force Stop Kodi. Do so and then re-launch Kodi.

Awesome! CrewNique Kodi Build is now successfully installed on your Kodi.

CrewNique Kodi Build—Overview

Once you’ve restarted the Kodi app, give it some time for the Build to load fully.

Below we have a screenshot of the home screen of CrewNique Kodi Build:

home screen of CrewNique Kodi Build

You will find the following Categories on the CrewNique Kodi Build:

  • Movies
  • TV Shows
  • Sports
  • IPTV
  • Apps
  • System
  • Power
  • Favorites

CrewNique has a beautiful interface that is easy to navigate. You will get used to it in no time. To stream, simply go through the categories Movies, TV Shows, Sports & IPTV.

How to Use CrewNique Build


You can check the addons available within the CrewNique Build in the Apps section. Go ahead and explore each category and its sub-categories.

You can also integrate Real-Debrid & Trakt within the addons available in CrewNique Build. Real-Debrid will provide you with high-quality links. It will also give you access to more links than you’d get normally because the premium links will now be available to you now.

If you’d like to sync your media across devices, you should integrate Trakt.

How to Set Up Real Debrid within CrewNique Kodi Build

Since The Crew is the main addon in the CrewNique Build, I am going to show you how you can integrate Real-Debrid within The Crew Addon. Here are the steps to integrate real Debrid within Crew addon:

Real-Debrid Full Guide: How to Set Up Real Debrid 

1. If you do not have a Real Debrid account already, get it from HERE.

2. From CrewNique Build’s home screen, navigate over to Apps in the main menu bar.

CrewNique Build

3. Then, highlight Video Addons on the left. Select The Crew addon on the right now.

crewnique with real debrid

4. Once The Crew Kodi addon launches, select Tools 

select tools

5. Click the option RESOLVEURL: SETTINGS

CrewNique Build

6. Choose Universal Resolvers 2 from the left side panel.

On the right, hit (Re)Authorise My Account under the Real-Debrid Section.

CrewNique Build on kodi

7. You will see a verification code on screen.

Real-Debrid with CrewNique

6. On another device, visit  with the help of a browser. ( Log in to your Real Debrid account with appropriate credentials if asked)

7. Type the verification code and then click Continue.

CrewNique kodi Build

8. A confirmatory notification stating the application is allowed will pop up.

CrewNique kodi Build with RD

How to Set Up Trakt within CrewNique Kodi Build

Since The Crew is the main addon in the CrewNique Build, I am going to show you how you can integrate Trakt within The Crew Addon. Here are the steps to integrate Trakt within Crew addon:

Full Guide: How to Set Up Trakt

1. If you do not have a Trakt account already, go to and create one.

2. From CrewNique Build’s home screen, navigate over to Apps in the main menu bar.

CrewNique Build

3. Then, highlight Video Addons on the left. Select The Crew addon on the right now.

crewnique with real debrid

4. Once The Crew Kodi addon launches, select Tools 

select tools


Hit TRAKT: Authorize

6. You will see a verification code now.

CrewNique kodi Build

7. Go to with the help of a browser. ( Log in to your Trakt account with appropriate credentials if asked)

8. Type the verification code when prompted and then click Continue

how to use CrewNique kodi Build

9. Choose Yes to authorize.

Now, you will be able to see Trakt watchlist and history in My Movies & My TV Shows section within The Crew Addon.

my movies trakt


The System has all the Kodi Settings. It includes: Interface, Player, Media, Add-ons, PVR & Live TV, Games, Profiles, Services, System & System Info. Each one has multiple sub-categories within countless features that you can tweak.



The Power option has some amazing features:

Exit, Power off system, Custom shutdown Timer, Hibernate, Reboot, Settings, Skin settings, Favorites and Reload skin.

All of them are self-explanatory.

CrewNique Build

The skin settings has loads of features. You can tweak it as per your liking.

skin Settings

I am highlighting some of the important sections below. That is not to say other section aren’t useful. You can go through the options and see which option you’d like to adjust or change.


CrewNique Build kodi


CrewNique Build on kodi



If you wish to remove/uninstall a Kodi Build, check out our guide on How to Uninstall Kodi Builds on Any Device.

Summing Up

Within a short period of time, CrewNique Kodi Build has experienced tremendous growth in popularity.

And the popularity is justified. The interface is attractive and you will be able to stream content from all categories via this Build.

If you have any further questions, please leave them in the comments below.

3 thoughts on “How to Install CrewNique Kodi Build: Step-by-Step Illustrated Guide”

  1. Is the a manual on how to use crew? I’m having issues when I save tv series how can I set it up so it tells me what episodes I watched



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